E. Tucci
Fine Art

Sculpey, wire, acrylica

Acrylic, joint compound

Acrylic, joint compound

Acrylic, joint compound

Natural history museum display from a future where elephants are extinct. The "fossils" are the silhouettes of the countries that import the most ivory Steel, screen mesh, plaster, spray paint, clay

Walking into a future without elephants Foam, spray paint, resin, joint compound

Text taken from “Five Years of a Hunter’s Life in the Far Interior of Africa” by Roualeyn Gordon-Cumming, one of the first big game hunters to chronicle his practices. These tusks become grotesque decor through poaching and hunting, The hunting and bullets consume and overwhelm the tusks.



When an animal is hunted for a specific element of its body, that element cannot be disassociated from the creature as a whole. The skin of the leopard is inherent to its body and essence. By keeping the two visually together, the viewer is reminded of their connection.


What does humankind value most from an elephant? How does the idea of a "trophy" decorate the homes of poachers?

When taxidermy is placed on one's wall as decor, it becomes visual second nature, fading into our space like a wallpaper pattern



The feathers and skin of an ostrich are valued most by humanity, as opposed to their natural beauty, elegance, and integral presence among the Serengeti ecosystem